Rebecca Hamilton
In September 2009, I went for my annual mammogram. Afterwards, I received a call to be scheduled for a biopsy. The biopsy revealed that I had early stage of non-invasive breast cancer.
My surgeon scheduled a lumpectomy followed by a series of radiation. Praise God, chemotherapy was not needed.
My daughter was there every step of the way through all of my procedures. Twice a day I would hear from one or more of my brothers or sisters, most of whom live out of state. Friends and my church family also checked in frequently on my progress.
Since my illness I have tried to learn whatever I can about breast cancer – the causes, possible prevention, and how to help others going through this illness.
I thank God everyday that I came through this illness because cancer is very prevalent in my family. I have learned that it is very important to talk to your family and friends for support. No one should have to go through this illness alone.