Sisters’ Journey reaches back in history to present the Annual Pink Tea, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month; however it is not a new idea.
The women of Dixwell Avenue Congregational Church held gala event at Easter more than fifty years ago. It was a time when the social consciousness of the 1950’s was strikingly prominent. Women of color realized their importance to the world with all its adversities and made their statement in well-designed ways. Those women consciously involved a total community in an afternoon style, asserting their strong presence with silver tea sets, lace tablecloths, and-lord, yes-hats. Back then, Natalie Wall was active in the church, Linda White-Epps would recall her aunt cutting the crust from pink bread to make the fancy finger sandwiches served at the tea. Various groups in the church hosted the tables set with edible goodies. Linda and many other young women of that community grew up with visions of flowers, gloved hands and ice cravings. Aunt Natalie presented a strong sense of sister and brotherhood so many Easter Sundays. She left a touch of self-worth, with elegance and grace for all women.
Natalie and Linda lost their battles with cancer some years ago; however they live on through their teachings about their journey’s, which has inspired the creation of this organization.
Sisters’ Journey is a 501 C 3, a non-profit organization that provides education and support to women of color who are survivors, their families and their friends. It encourages the process of physical healing and spiritual serenity. It stands by women through the experience of cancer discovery. It supports the process of survival and shows by example, that there’s hope for the future and an abundant life after cancer.
Perform monthly self-breast examinations
Complete regular check-ups
If you’re under 40 with Breast Cancer history, Insist on a mammogram
If you’re over 40, have a yearly mammogram