Lorretta D. Fuller

on December 26, 2018.
I felt a mass under my left armpit in early December of that year. It was painful as I moved my arm. My previous mammogram
and ultrasound were in September 2018 and showed no signs of any abnormalities.
I already had a scheduled appointment with my gynecologist in December before Christmas. After I told her what I felt, she examined me and told me to immediately
go back to where I had my mammogram and ultrasound and not to leave until they saw me. For context, this was the week
before Christmas. I assured her I would go as soon as I left her office, and I did! Dr. Russo did another mammogram and ultrasound, and I had several
I received “the call” on December 26, 2018. I was at work at the time, and surprisingly, I was very calm. I told my staff and went home and told my aunt. I
had Stage 2 breast cancer.
My doctor already had made an appointment for me for the next day. I met with the medical team to discuss my
treatment plan. I had several tests and images done to locate the exact area and
I told my doctor I was a little OCD and always liked to be in control, so I took out my calendar to write down what,
when, and where. I asked a lot of questions, including when my hair would begin to fall out, so I could make appointments with my hairdresser and
My treatment consisted of chemotherapy which started in February 2019, surgery, a left mastectomy, and radiation. I waited a
few years. and later had reconstruction on the right side to be more balanced. I was 48 years old at the time of my
diagnosis. I am blessed to see 54 years of life. I’m currently enjoying my sixth year of survivorship.
Throughout my journey, I had my family, my faith, and my medical team by my side. My Oncologist was excellent, explaining everything along
the way. And I asked a lot of questions.
A special thanks to my Aunt Pearl, who never left my side, accompanying me to all my appointments. She was my
shoulder to lean on and my Rock