Maureen Harry
One evening, I happened to perform a self examination and noticed a hard lump on my right breast. This was something I had never noticed before. I was a little inquisitive but not alarmed. It was my husband who suggested I see the doctor. I was apprehensive but didn’t want to overreact. However, the consistent prompting by myhusband turned into a demand that I change my scheduled appointment in two weeks to an earlier date was GOD sent!
The appointment turned into an immediate referral for a biopsy. The surgeon knew immediately that the lump was cancerous, which the lab later confirmed. I felt I needed a second opinion to see what my options were. The second opinion was from an oncologist who recommended a lumpectomy with follow-up treatment of either radiation orchemotherapy. The surgeon who had performed the biopsy suggested I have either a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy with no mention of radiation or chemotherapy. My decision was based on the location of the cancerous lump and the pathology report that the tissue was a grade III “cribriform” invasive carcinoma. I chose a partial mastectomy plus chemotherapy instead of a lumpectomy and radiation. The recovery was matter-of-fact. I had sixmonths of chemotherapy. I was a stay at home mom caring for two young children. They were my priority and my strength.
My recovery was on auto pilot and I had no time think about my condition. My parents died within a four year period from the date of being diagnosed with breast cancer. My faith kept me afloat. I knew I needed to be strong for the children. My family was my anchor. My support was and still is my spiritual faith.
GOD’S grace has given me the ability to be a 19-year survivor as of August 2012.