Carole Berrios

My name is Carole Berrios. I feel blessed to be alive, blessed to be the mother of five beautiful children and delighted to be part of this calendar as a 41 year survivor. I was diagnosed, after self exam and a biopsy, with breast cancer, and scheduled for a radical mastectomy on March 22, 1963. I was 28 years old, had five babies under the age of eight and was devastated to think what would happen to them if the Lord chose to take me. But that didn’t happen. He had other things in mind for me.

As a result of His plan, I was able to raise my babies; hold down full time employment, including school-community relations worker; and teach school in Puerto Rico from 1977 until 1999, I am currently retired, back in my home state and enjoying my family and my life to the fullest. I thank the Lord and a family that makes everything worthwhile. If I can be of any assistance to anyone, as far as moral support or just someone to talk to, please feel free to get in touch with me.


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