Carolyn A. Sasser

The year was 1998. Imagine coming home from work and receiving the message on your answering machine that you have cancer. It was supposed to be a normal exam. Finding out that I had breast cancer made me have a loss of words. The only person that I was able to share this, at first, with was my husband, James H. Sasser who is “my rock!” As the mother of three children, two boys and one girl and a wife for the past 34 years, I have learned not to live for tomorrow, but day to day, because one never knows what tomorrow may bring.

I am thankful for the love and support of my family and I give the highest thanks to my God who has helped pull me through this. As a 52-year-old black woman, I knew of breast cancer but did not have a thorough knowledge of this diagnosis. I do not think anyone can quite have an understanding of what it means to have breast cancer, until one actually goes through this ordeal. It is quite an experience that I do not wish on anyone.

I remember waking up after the surgery and I wanted to hear only one thing – that they got it all. Most of all, I knew that I was walking in with my heavenly father and walking out with my heavenly father, for if it was not for Him I would not be here to express my words today.

I have been a survivor of breast cancer for two and one half years. Through my awareness I wish for all women to make sure that they do self breast exams for “only we know our own body,” and have yearly mammogram tests. Put all the faith in the Lord Savior, because he shall make it all right. “Unto thee I fill up my soul!” (Psalms 26).


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