Leila M.E. Drain

I give great honor to GOD who is the head of my life. I am a breast cancer survivor of 21 years; My marriage to Charlie Drain 3rd has been striving for 40 years to this day. I Was Born The First Time on July 27, 1953 To Leila C. and John W. Ellison. I am the 5th child from the youngest of five girls and five boys. I am a proud member of the Mount Hebron Baptist Church in Meriden, Connecticut. under the Pastorship of the Rev. Dr. Willie J. Young and First Lady Judy B. Young. I am also a resident of Meriden. I have been employed at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in Middletown, Connecticut for the past 38 years I was blessed with the fruit of one gorgeous son Charlie Drain IV, who passed on to glory November 18, 1995. GOD also blessed me to be a proud grandmother to one, Charlie Drain V who was one day shy of three months old at the time of his father’s death..

My journey started during an earlier hospital admission into Yale New Haven hospital of my son. I fell to my knees at his bedside to pray. This prayer was more distinguished and lengthy from the others. I was consumed in a different way. Afterward instead of standing to my feet; I nonchalantly laid down with my back to the floor. I stretched my hands above my head and just start performing a self breast examination, and I found what I call a monster inside my breast. After many trips to the rest room, I tried to convince myself it was just a “fibrosis”. This process continued until my son was discharged from the hospital. While the hospital was processing the discharge paperwork for my son, I walked into the practice of Dr. Peter Deckers in Hartford, Connecticut. My intention was to drive to New Haven but I was kept driving to Hartford, with New Haven on my mind.  I walked in without an appointment and asked if I could sit and wait for a cancellation. I waited 28 torturous minutes before a cancellation came through. Dr. Deckers performed a professional breast examination, a mammogram was performed a pre diagnosis was rendered as having breast cancer. I then retrieved my son from Yale. On the way home I did not utter a word to him or my husband about my illness. A woman’s instinct is to protect her family. I was the one in trouble and yet I needed to protect my family from hurt. I waited for the final confirmation after a biopsy was performed. Only then could I confide to my immediate household that indeed I had breast cancer. At First I did an old fashioned southern cry – I really boo-hooed. I was a weak, in body, mind and spirit. Shortly after I pleaded with GOD, then I became as strong as an ox! That was a good feeling so I kept holding on to GOD. I quickly found out he was all I needed along with my husband and son.

I was born the second time on February 2, 1990. GOD gave me a second chance to live when I underwent a post radical followed by six months of chemotherapy. At this time my siblings had not been told yet. As time progressed I started telling the strongest sibling and worked my way down to the weakest. At first there were some I never wanted to tell but dwelling in the secret place of the most high I will always have peace in the shadow of the almighty. As for the relatives I wanted to tell and never knew how. I extend sincere apologies to them for finding out in this publication. To my dear friend A’cena who experienced a similar tragedy, it is an ongoing healing process for me. I thank you for letting me help you through your journey. It is indeed an honor helping you helps me. On a daily basis I pray for optimum health and mental clarity. Had I not been saturated into GOD, I wouldn’t have recognized the Holy Spirit telling me to lay down on that floor to self examine myself because surely I had tunnel vision to focus on my son’s well being at that time.

Where ever I am, GOD is also there.

I thank God in the name of Jesus. I thank my husband Charlie. I’m thankful for the help from my son while he existed on this earth. I thank my surgeon Dr. Peter Deckers and Oncologist Dr. Patricia Defusco. I thank the staff at the Nancy and Harry Gray cancer center in Hartford, Connecticut for taking part in allowing me to have more days on this earth by giving me love, and the most ultimate care.

I urge all women to do your self breast examinations. Men get your physicals you can also contract breast cancer. I am living proof that early detection will save your life.  Have PEACE, BE STILL and Listen to those small voices, they come from a higher power; it is very significant for your existence.  The Lord is my sheppard I shall not want I Walk in the unmerited favor and comfort of the Holy Spirit. I have the victory. My battles belong to the Lord. I am the manifestation of God’s will, being on this earth. Thou anointed my head with oil; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Amen.


Psalms 91:1


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