Lillian Reason
Every January for many years, like clockwork, I’d go to get my mammogram. Fortunately, even if I had a call back, all my readings were false. That was not to be in 2003. When I received notice to go for further testing, I knew that it would also be fine, not suspicious.
There seemed to be some areas that needed to be dealt with, therefore I was scheduled for a biopsy. After the biopsy I was told that I had breast cancer.
The doctor was surprised at my reaction and patted me on my shoulder. I also was surprised at my reaction to the news. I never screamed or cried but put my faith to work and knew that God would take care of me. I told my husband and my sisters that they couldn’t worry until I did.
I went through two more procedures, initially being a lumpectomy. But because of the location on the right breast – one on top and one on the bottom – I finally had to have a mastectomy. The cancer was at such a low stage that I did not need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation.
The doctors were very attentive. My home healthcare nurse was more than a nurse. My friends, work and church family kept prayers going that helped to sustain me. I had one friend who chauffeured me to all of my appointments. My family was so attentive that I had to run them home.
During my convalescence, I had one incident in which I was very ill. I ran a fever and felt terrible. I prayed and asked God to take anything from me that was not of Him. As quickly as I asked, he responded to my request. I thank God for His healing power and how He calmed my spirit and kept me anxiety free.
I have been cancer free for a year and nine months. I thank God for everyone who reached out to me during this faith building experience. Life has many twist and turns, ups and downs; however, I have been trained by very strong Christian parents that with God’s help I can survive anything.