Phyllis J. Beaty
My name is Phyllis J. Beaty. I have resided in New Haven for 44 years, hailing originally from Providence, Rhode Island. I’m married to my best friend and greatest support, William.
My journey began on Memorial Day weekend in 2006 while on a camping trip. I had gone for my annual mammogram two weeks prior.
The mammogram identified a suspicious area in my left breast. An ultrasound was done and checked by two doctors at Yale New Haven Hospital. One said it looked okay but the other, Dr. Carol Lee, insisted that I undergo a Stereotactic biopsy, which to everyone’s surprise revealed cancer. I feel very lucky and thank Dr. Lee for the early detection.
When I received the news from my doctor, I sat at the picnic table just listening and said “thank you for calling.” I guess that was my way of responding to more bad news. In May of 1997 the worst news came to us that our youngest son, Roderick, had been fatally injured in an automobile accident. This news of cancer was nothing compared to hearing that. I knew what had to be done and went along with the treatment plan without hesitation. The only thing I did not do was tell my son Russell, and daughter Alyssa until after my surgery was over. I just couldn’t find the words at the time of diagnosis, but they understood and were very supportive. The worse thing for me wasn’t hearing the word cancer, but the fear of receiving chemotherapy and radiation.
While working as a Registered Nurse at The Hospital of Saint Raphael, I had observed many patients become very ill during their treatments, but due to many new medications now available, some that were administered to me, I never experienced any adverse effects.
I am now feeling well and have a very positive outlook. I thank Dr. Kaye Zuckerman, my surgeon, and Dr. Jeremy Kortmansky and the nursing staff at Medical Oncology & Hematology for their excellent care. Most of all, I thank God each and every day that I may continue to enjoy life with my wonderful family and friends.