Ruth Fulcher Sutton
My name is Ruth Fulcher Sutton. I am the proud mother of a daughter, Lori who is deceased. Lori would have been 40 years old last July 28th. Renard, my son, is 37 years old. I have two grandsons, Anthony 20 years old and Andre 10 years old. I am the youngest of 15 children. I am a native of North Carolina and have lived and worked in Connecticut for 43 years.
December 23 1990, on my 50th birthday, I went to my Gynecologist, Dr. John Haley for my annual examination. I had not been performing self examinations of my breasts. A lump was discovered in my right breast. Dr. Haley requested that I go for mammogram. Next, I went for a biopsy. Results of the biopsy confirmed my fears of cancer of the right breast.
January 1991 I went to Yale-New Haven Hospital for surgery. I was blessed with the most knowledgeable group one could ask for. I will never forget the care, patience, and understanding I received during my stay in the hospital. Again, I wish to say thank you to God for being by my side all my life, my healthcare providers, Dr. Zeno Chicarilli, Dr. Goodman, Dr. Shopick, my family, friends, and all my church friends.
After my surgery, I was blessed by not having to undergo chemotherapy. I did receive six weeks of radiation therapy.
I am now in my 13th year of recovery I would like to say to my beautiful daughter Lori who is watching me from Heaven, that God is not through with me yet. And to all women, please go for your annual mammogram and perform your self examination.
To everyone: The Power of Protection The light of God surrounds me, The love of God enfolds me, The power of God protects me, The presence of God watches over me, Wherever I am God is.