Shakeera Frazer
next week to see my gynecologist. She checked the lump and referred me to a radiologist who did an exam and informed me that: “It’s nothing, you’re too young to have cancer or to be alarmed, but if it continues to grow, come back in three months.” I was relieved but still not satisfied with the results but followed the doctor’s instructions anyway.
Several months later, in February 2013, I went back to the doctor and this time the lump had doubled in size and now they insisted I get a biopsy, which I did. I got the results on February 19, 2013. It was indeed Stage 3 breast cancer and life threatening – to be exact, invasive ductal carcinoma, HER 2+, which is a very aggressive form of cancer. Yes, cancer! I was only 29,
very healthy with no history of cancer in my family. I cried immediately. I was in shock and didn’t know what to do. But all of that lasted exactly one day.
The next day I stopped being sorry for myself. I got back to my usual positive, upbeat self and started to plan how to rid myself of the cancer so I could get on with my life! I instantly changed my diet to an all-organic, macrobiotic-like diet, and got rid of all toxins in my home (deodorant, toothpaste, dish detergent, soap laundry detergent, household cleaners). Two weeks later I began chemotherapy. After my first session the tumor size decreased over 50% (my oncologist was amazed)! By my second session, I couldn’t feel the lump at all!!
I completed six months of chemo and had a double mastectomy on September 20, 2013. I then completed six weeks of radiation and, after sufficient healing, completed the final phase of reconstruction during the summer of 2014.
I have been through a million emotions but I’ve always stayed positive, kept my faith in God, and continued to feel good and look fabulous! I refused to let cancer take
control of me and let myself go. Never! I used to ask: “God why me?” But now I realize “Why not me?”
I have been chosen to tell a story and help inspire others. I am so grateful to be here and to be alive.
God makes no mistakes and I believe everything happens for a reason. I have met so many wonderful and inspiring women on this journey that I know will be lifelong friends. My oncologist calls me the “angel” of the office and always asks me “are you always this happy?” And I say, “Yes this is me, always!” She always insists I talk to others in the office and give them advice
and tips and tells me this is “my calling”.
I have been blessed to speak with other women who have been diagnosed and encourage them along this sometimes-tiring process. It’s very humbling and I don’t think anyone wants cancer, but I can say it has made me appreciate my life, my family and friends and realize I can’t take anything for granted! Recently I received my latest results and I am CANCER FREE and so
BLESSED! Yes, cancer free!! My oncologist nearly cried and said this was the greatest news – so quickly!
So to anyone that ever feels discouraged or down because of this diagnosis, you are entitled to feel that way – briefly. But then, “Get over it!” You have to fight, be strong and continue to be positive (and fabulous)! Use me as an example. I used to be scared to talk about it and let people know I had cancer because I didn’t want people to pity or feel sorry for me. But now I’m proud to say, “Yes, I had breast cancer and I beat it!” I want to be able to help and inspire others and let them know how to positively get through this journey because it is long and hard and
physically and emotionally draining at times, but it can be one! You may be in a situation that seems horrible and not understand why it is happening, but please believe there is a reason, there’s always a silver lining!
Early detection, faith, diet and positivity is the key – and don’t forget to look good while doing it! If you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you make others feel good!
I never knew how strong I could be and would never have imagined I would go through this, but I did! I amaze myself sometimes!! Thank you for letting me share my story!!
Have a blessed day!
“Keep Calm and Fight On.”