Lillie Ennis
one morning and felt a lump in my breast. At first I ignored the lump because it
wasn’t accompanied with pain. The following morning though, the lump was larger. I immediately called a doctor’s office for help. At first the doctor’s office
was dismissive because of my age, but I insisted on getting an appointment.
After several appointments that included a mammogram, an ultrasound and then a biopsy, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I decided to keep my diagnosis
private. I was adamant about keeping a warrior mindset throughout my battle. I didn’t want to be sad. I wanted to fight. To my surprise, given my age and no
family history of cancer, I could not comprehend why I was now in a fight with this hideous monster.
My lump was surrounded by a medical condition called a Sarcoid that made the lump inoperable. After a short few months of treatment, I am currently blessed
to say I am celebrating 13 years of being cancer free. I am now resolute in dedicating my health and happiness to spreading the mindset that a breast cancer
diagnosis is not a death sentence but rather a spiritual transformation. I travel the world as a motivational speaker spreading my message of hope.
I want you to know the following:
- You are not being picked on. You’ve been picked.
- Everything comes to promote you.
- Follow your gut because early detection is key.
- Be open-minded to alternative options in treatment.
- Comfort can be a killer. Be ready to have the fight of your life because you’re worth it.
- Speak healing and positivity into your life.
- When you come out of this, don’t use the word remission. You are healed.
“My Grace is sufficient for it is in our weakness that His power is made perfect.”
– 2 Corinthians 12:9-11