On October 9, 2012 I had a biopsy performed on my right breast that came back positive for Stage 2 invasive breast cancer.
My journey started in May 2010 when I went in for my annual mammogram. Afterward, however, I received a letter in the mail to make an appointment to repeat the procedure.
My journey began early one morning when, while talking on the phone with a friend, I began to cough and could not catch my breath. I ran downstairs to open the front door to get fresh air.
Last October, I decided to take the train to New York, followed by a subway ride to Queens, to visit a friend. The next morning, I awoke with a pain in my outer breast.
The appointment resulted in an immediate referral for a biopsy. The surgeon knew immediately that the lump was cancerous, which the lab later confirmed.
I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer in March 2009. I have my annual mammography appointment in March around my birthday.
I was 45 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. The cancer was Stage 1 and estrogen positive.
Six years ago during my annual exam, I shared with my doctor, Anita Petruzzelli, that I felt a small lump above my right breast. She immediately scheduled a mammogram and ultra sound.
In being an advocate of my body, on August 14, 2011, at the age of 38, at 9:56 a.m., I found a suspicious lump the size of a walnut in my right breast.
My journey started April 15, 2012, when during a self-examination I discovered a lump in my right breast. Since my mother had had a benign cyst many years before, I assumed that’s what it was; but fortunately I still had it checked out.
He ordered a mammogram. I went into the test thinking all would be well. They discovered a lump on my right breast and I was sent for a biopsy.
The day after my 36th birthday I had a mastectomy for early stage breast cancer (ductal carcinoma in-situ) that was found on biopsy.