2015 Calendar

President’s Letter

Welcome to the 17th Annual Sister’ Journey Calendar unveiling!
I think as women we just naturally give so much of ourselves to others – our children, husbands, family and friends. We are naturally nurturing. Yet, it is encouraging when you meet women who take the time to be their own advocates and to take care of themselves. It is admirable to see women share one of the most difficult times of their lives in hopes of saving others, sometimes complete strangers.
So again, we introduce you to 12 women to admire. They are strong, courageous and selfless, as they share their breast cancer journeys with all of us.
Over the years we had the opportunity to meet many of these amazing women. Lasting bonds and friendships were formed. Consequently, it is so very devastating when those bonds are broken. This has been a difficult
year for Sisters’ Journey. We lost four of our “Sister-friends.” While we mourn their loss, we also are so grateful for the time we have had with them – to appreciate their strength, to learn the lessons they have
taught us about surviving graciously and to emphasize how early detection extended their lives. Pauline, Lucille, Mattie and Alberta will forever be in our hearts.
This year we are proud to present a panel of speakers who will help us explore some of those life-extending practices for ourselves. Our panel includes a breast surgeon, a breast oncologist and researchers from the Yale
School of Public Health. Hopefully the take-away from the discussions will leave you with a sense of urgency to make lifestyle changes, such as eating better, exercising more and taking advantage of breast cancer
screening opportunities. Our hope is that you will be educated, empowered and encouraged.
As you join me in welcoming our 12 new friends, let’s also bring along the good memories of lost loved ones,
and strive to learn something new to help us all achieve a long healthy life going forward.
Peace and Blessings
Dawn White – Bracey President of Sisters’ Journey
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2007. I had gone for my routine mammogram check-up in July 2007. After the mammogram, I
first… -
My name is Maya Martindale and I am a 32-year-old breast cancer survivor.
Two years ago in October 2012, I went to my annual GYN appointment and during the exam, to my surprise, my gynecologist, Dr. Kopel, discovered
My journey began one day in 2004 when I was teaching a business class at my church. One of my students, who just happened to host a yearly mobile mammography fair, had to leave early…
The year was 1986. I was in my 20s, living in Washington, D.C. and diagnosed with breast cancer. One day, while showering, I felt a small lump on my left…
My name is Mattie L. Little. I was born in Marietta, North Carolina on December 8, 1926. I am 87 years old and a five-year breast cancer survivor. While taking a shower in December 2008, I noticed something
I am not going to start my story with how I found the lump but with my experience feeling the presence of God with me daily. When the doctor…
In July 2012, at age 29, I felt a small lump in my right breast while taking a shower. I am a slight hypochondriac so I immediately made a doctor’s appointment for the…
My name is Lona Elizabeth Collins. I was born and raised in New Rochelle, New York in Westchester County. I graduated from New Rochelle High School and Grasslands School of Practical Nursing in Valhalla, New York. I retired from Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle, New York. Working in the medical field for most of my life has given me much joy and satisfaction. My journey started…
It was 3:00 a.m., March 21, 2007, and the room was dark as I slept next to my husband. As I dreamt of beautiful days to come, reality kept trying to interrupt. I tried to keep reality at bay as long as I could, I tried to concentrate
Imagine being 56 years old and having the walls fall down on you. …
There are moments in our life that are deemed unforgettable; it was May 24, 2005 for me. I was taking a shower and felt a very hard lump, shaped like a marble, on top of my breast. I couldn’t image what it could be. I’d had a clear mammogram about five months ago. However, after consulting with
In the early nineties my biological sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. That announcement hit me very hard!